Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An Experiment

Over Christmas weekend, Hubs and I committed to going on a 5 day cruise with my parents, my younger brother, and his best friend.  I use the word committed because that is what it is for us.  You see, Hubs and I are used to being by ourselves.  We almost always travel by ourselves and find that we enjoy doing what we want - when we want.  There are only two of us so we can do what each person wants.  Anyway, we feel that a cruise is the best way for all 6 of us to do what we want - spend time together, alone, I can read for hours on end while my mom visits the casino, etc.  It's a giant floating playground where we can all find happiness.

So our experiment is not whether or not I will commit a crime against one of my family members on this 5 day vacation but rather can we pay for our complete vacation without touching our regular budget or emergency savings account?  Is this possible? YES!  I can look back at my online banking and see time after time when we wasted money, overspent, etc. 

For the next 8 months, I hope to document our shopping and random expenditures to show how easy it is (hopefully) to be budget conscience. 


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