Eight Fears - Even if they are completely irrational...
1. Getting beheaded. Or just generally getting my head separated from my body. Totally irrational. But a real fear.
2. Getting Stuck in an Elevator
3. The Dark. I go to sleep with the tv on and I sleep with a nightlight. No joke.
4. Raw (or bad) meat. Undercooked. Or just bad. Yuckie!
5. Flamingos. No joke. They creep me out. I think it's their legs.
6. Tripping or falling in public. Or just general public humiliation.
7. Needles. This is sort of ironic seeing as I'm a diabetic...
8. The Ocean. Okay, not the ocean exactly but super strong undertows. I can remember riding waves on an inter-tube and getting pulled under and the undertow and the breaking waves. I couldn't stand up despite being in less than 3 feet of later.
Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.